I’m a London-born, Xbox playing, guitar-slinging copywriter. Equal parts geek and rock star, I’ve been writing for a living since 2011.
Words are my tool, but I’m all about understanding your customers and their thought processes.
My approach heavily incorporates storytelling – i.e. showing your customer they can get the happy ending they desire.
I spent years coffeeing my way through long days and nights of copywriting, accepting every single job that I could learn from. Even today, I still work hard on my skills - all so I can help you kick ass.
I’ve written for lots of industries, but recently my focus has been A.I., MarTech, FinTech, PropTech and consumer electronics.
I'm fortunate to live in beautiful Spain. It's great here, but the locals keep mistaking me for somebody called ‘Señor Sunburn’.
I’ve been playing the guitar for 20 years, so I’ll happily perform any song you like during
our discovery call. As long as that song sounds exactly like Hotel California.
I love exploring the world, and have occasionally travelled to far-away places for copy
projects. I speak passable Spanish and have the amazing ability to drink beer from any